FAQ for site

simply go to the join page and fill out the form.

Objectives & Aims of the Association

  • Having our voice heard whilst working with the Racecourse
  • To be Non-Party Political.
  • Ensuring our voice is heard at Greenham Parish Council
  • Ensuring our voice is heard at West Berks Council
  • Bringing clarity to whose responsibility local issues are
  • Help build a sense of community
  • To have our membership represent > 50% of homes who live here

Adrian Abbs is the current chairman. You can email him using aabbs@residentsassociation.org.uk

Noel Desnos is the liaison to our district counnicllors. You can email him using rra-committee@residentsassociation.org.uk

We have two liaisons to the Racecourse Steve Alan & Matthew Adams-Nel. You can email them using rra-committee@residentsassociation.org.uk

Alan Dorling is the current liaison. You can email him using rra-committee@residentsassociation.org.uk

Liz Calvert is the current secretary - we are hoping for another volunteer. you can contact her via rra-committee@racecourseassociation.org.uk

David Wilson Homes Ltd. (DWH)

The Original developer for homes at Newbury Racecourse was DWH

Their web site is https://www.dwh.co.uk/

We have two liaisons to DWH and Remus. Angela Hay and Martin Sanderson. You can email them using rra-committee@residentsassociation.org.uk

Newbury Racecourse Ltd can be called on 01635 018864 or emailed at info@newburyracecourse.co.uk

Remus Ltd

Looks after common areas related to the development done by David Wilson Homes

They can be called on 01635 47785

They have an office at "Frankel House, Kingman Way, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7GX"

Yes there are 3

The first is the small community at Lower Farm. They are at the start of the main straight of the Racecourse just passed the kissing gate and on the way to Greenham common via the footpath

The second are the converted offices just opposite the main bridge entrance at the cross section of Hambridge Lane and Hambridge Road

The third are converted offices half way down Hambridge Lane