Summer BBQ
Starting to possibly plan a members BBQ at the Lodge.
Will post again but lets think about holding the date - more to follow asap.
Our first post from the website to our Facebook Group
Yes this is just a reminder about our Members meeting on 9th Feb at 4pm at the "The Lodge"
Our Liaison to the Police have arranged for them to attend - So please lets make the number good.
Over 100 attend 2nd meeting of the RA
Approved minutes to follow but here is a summary
· Meeting started 16:30
· Over 100 people in attendance
· Committee introduced itself
· CEO introduce himself and emphasised his background and working with the community.
· Reminded everyone about the discounts available to people living on the racecourse at the Lodge as well as membership discounts for the Racecourse itself.
· A few questions from the audience was next
· We then went through some ideas that were sent in advance of the meeting about building a community - Here the link so members can say yes or no to the committee following through on ideas presented at the meeting.
Greenham Parish and Cllrs
I'm pleased to say I was successfully co-opted on to Greenham Parish Council.
I have joined 2 other existing Cllrs who represent the Racecourse Ward. They are Martin Sanderson (Martin lives on the Racecourse) & Michael Wakelyn-Green (Michael does not live in the ward but does live nearby)
Two other members of the association have offered to also join Greenham Parish which will give us our compliment of 5 Cllrs. This should happen at the next Greenham Parish Meeting.
1st Meeting held
The 1st meeting has been held of the Racecourse Ward Residents Association and the committee positions conformed.
Here is the agenda and decisions - Minutes will follow
Agenda for the First Meeting
- Formally elect positions - Completed see website
- Agree on aims and add to the constitution - Agreed and constitution updated
- Agree on the wording of the constitution - Agreed to publish the current version and for Noel to amend to agree and update at the next meeting
- Decide on the max limit on committee size - We decided to not set a limit at this time
- Agree if WhatsApp group for committee should be used for day-to-day comms - Agreed and completed
- Who on the committee wants to be Facebook admins for the Residents Association group? Steve offered to assist with admin duties for the Facebook group
- Decide on what paper comms we want to share - The next letter is to be sent out before our next meeting which is tentatively set for 20th October
- Suggestions for increasing the membership - Facebook posts, and inviting the Racecourse CEO to our next public meeting are the 1st 2 steps
- Agree on next meeting date and action plans - Agreed to target 20th October at 4:30 pm at "The Lodge"
There have been plenty of offers to participate in the committee and formal elections will take place on the weekend 28/29th September.
Facebook group setup for members
As suggested a private Facebook group has been set up for members of the Residents Association. It is called Newbury Racecourse Ward Residents Association.
Once you're a member yourself please join but do remember to answer the membership questions.
The group is only for members and so no adverts for business etc are allowed
Plenty of Volunteers for delivery and committee
Racecourse Ward Residents Association Update.
Good news is that we have had plenty of people offer to help get leaflets out and take part in the management committee. I'll try and organise a meeting for those people so we can elect people to the roles and formalise the association.
Inception Meeting
Our Inception meeting took place at the Lodge on Newbury Racecourse on 8th September. It was decided by the approx 90 people in attendance to form a Residents Association.